Greater Kailash Hospital Indore: Paediatric / Paed. Surgeory Paediatric / Paed. Surgeory ================================================================================ SK Dubey on 22/04/2015 23:46:00 Paediatric & Neonatal lntensive Care Unit The Neonatal lntensive Care Unit (NICU) of Greater Kailash Hospital is a leading center for the management of critically ill newborn infants, equipped with the latest technolog)/ and therapies available to offer the tiniest of our patients the best chance for survival. About 70 percent of our patients are born here, while 30 percent of infants are transferred to our NICU from other hospitals and NlCUs. Our NICU cares for a large volume of critically ill newborns each year with a va riety of life-threatening problems. The NICU is equipped to care for sick or premature newborn (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), newborn with low birth weight (less than 2.5 Kg.), or those who have a medical condition that requires special medical or surgical care. Twins, triplets, and other multiples often are admitted to the NICU, as they tend to be born earlier and are smaller than single birth babies. Our skilled and dedicated staff of physicians, neonatal nurses, respiratory therapists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and pharmacists are specially trained to provide the highest quality of care with compassion and sensitivity Our NICU nurses are experienced and highly tralned in a range of medical, technological, and surgical interventions. They not only care for the infants, but they also provide care, support, and education forthe infants' parents as well. While in the NICU, each baby's condition is monitored at all times using the latest specialized equipment. These conditions may include extreme prematurity, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal disorders, as well as congenital anomalies, congenital heart disease and other conditions that may require surgery. The hospital has an outstanding team of pediatric speciatists covering all the major fields in pediatrics. They are available round the clock to tackle any emergency like status epilepticus, acute severe asthma, dengue shock syndrome etc. We recognize that the birth of a child is an incredibly special time for parents and families, but we also recognize that having a child admitted to the NICU can be very difficult and stressful. Our staff is committed to addressing parents' concerns, respecting their choices and beliefs, and assuring them that we will make their infant's stay as comfortable as possible. The unit is warmly decorated and provides significant space for clinicians and parents at the bedside. A nurse's station is situated directly in front of patient beds allowing for close supervision and monitoring of each infant. ln addition, the NICU has a loungeand privacyareas. High Frequency Ventilation is a new concept in mechanical ventilation to avoid mechanical barotrauma & volume trauma to airways and has changed the scenario of management of critically ill neonates. lt is considered as the first Iine treatment in respiratory distress syndrome.High frequency ventilator became available for the first time at Greater Kailash Hospital. Nitric Oxide Ventilation For the first time in M P, Nitric Oxide ventilator is available for management of PPHN and post cardiac surgery patients. Paediatric ICU The Paediatric intensive care unit is a multidisciplinary unit that provides care for children & adolescents who are critically ill. We provide total paediatric care particularly for emergency as well as for routine ailments, with a dedicated and fully equipped paediatric lCU. The unit is also supported by Paediatric Cardiothoracic surgery, Paediatric laparoscopic & minimally invasive surgery, Paediatric Ophthalmology including ROP Screening / Laser / Surgery, Paediatric Urology, Paediatric Orthopaedics etc. The neonatal and paediatric intensive care units are on a separate floor (lntensive care floor)along with adult lCU and cardiac care unit. Paediatric surgery: All paediatric surgeries by open or laparoscopic method are done eg.Tracheo esophageal fistula,hirschsprungs disease, Meckels diverticulum,intussusception ,umbilical hernia etc.